After School Program



Our Model

Two afternoons a week, we offer lunch, a social-emotional class, and life skills classes to participating 3rd-9th grade students of Colegio Verdad y Vida. These students are split up into three different age groups with classes tailored to their age group.

We connect further with the parents by hosting activities where they can participate and build joy with their children throughout the year.

There are two semesters each year, September-December and February-May. In the summer, we also offer a
Summer Program patterned after our HILOS model.

Overview & Purpose

Purpose: Inspire and equip children and families with the knowledge of Christ, giving them opportunities to become the people God created them to be.

Mission: Provide practical activities that develop an understanding of the Gospel and Biblical principles for living a life of abundant joy.

Guiding Principles:

  1. Be Christ centered in content and culture.
  2. Develop a sense of belonging and appreciation for this community and culture.
  3. Teach principles that develop relational brain skills and that promote emotional maturity and healthy relationships.
  4. Make learning fun.
  5. Seek to involve qualified staff and volunteers from the community.
  6. Seek future sustainability through local individuals.
  7. Serve families in a way that preserves their dignity using the development ministry model, where people participate in the betterment of their lives. ("When Helping Hurts" by Brian Fikker.)


From 2018 to 2020, as the number of children in the CVE children's home decreased, the House of Life and Hope board and the staff of Casa Vida y Esperanza spent time in prayer and discussions about where God might be directing the ministry. Through God's guidance and insight from the community about their needs, a vision was born for an after-school program that would increase our support and impact on the children and families of the Colegio Verdad y Vida school.

In the summer of 2021, a management team took the purpose, mission, and guiding principles above and planned out the logistics of a pilot program. The name HILOS, or in English, "Threads," was chosen, picturing a cord that becomes stronger as more threads are woven in. This idea came from Ecclesiastes 4:12, "And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken." HILOS would aid in weaving together Christ, the family, and the larger community, to create a stronger network of support around our students.

September 2021 marked the beginning of our first semester of HILOS with around 20 students. Over the past two years, the courses we have offered have varied based on the teachers we have available and we have adjusted many details as we grow and learn. However, the interest of our students and families has only grown and we are constantly thankful to see and hear of the positive impact the program is having on the families who participate.


As of November 2023, we have 18 families participating for a total of 22 students.

Over the past two years, life skills classes have included cooking, art, Bible crafts, horse lessons, carpentry, welding, archery, and more.


"Our testimony as a family who participate in HILOS and Summer Camp is one of joy. They are experiences that make our children grow, where their minds are developed beyond the education they receive at school. HILOS and Summer Camp are places where children can grow in skills that help them in daily life. It is wonderful to be a part of this group because not only is our daughter a part, they also try to include the family, to get to know us and form a community. In general, all the activities that are part of Casa Vida y Esperanza leave beautiful memories year after year. "

- Victoria's family

"My name is Julian Nuñez. I work at Casa Vida y Esperanza where I also help with the HILOS program. It is very interesting and even as an adult, I find it fun and learn along with everyone else. The students’ desire to learn is very motivating. The HILOS program is specifically designed so that the students learn, and so that they learn Christian doctrine and values. Helping as a teacher has motivated me to grow professionally every day."

- Julian Nuñez

Summer Program


Our Summer Program revolves around a summer camp that takes place during several weeks in July. The Camp is currently offered to students, grades 3rd - 9th, for two or three days a week with additional family events planned for weekends. Children are split into 3 age groups and offered classes such as cooking, carpentry, sports, or Joy Camp (a therapeutic class with a variety of fun activities to teach sensory awareness, remedial social skills, emotional awareness, and relational brain skills). Summer classes are usually taught by CVE staff, but our summer volunteers help in many ways to make the Summer Camp possible.

Support Needed

All building maintenance, utility expenses, new construction, legal compliance, safety protocols, educational materials, part of teacher salaries, transportation costs for teachers, and costs to host family events are funded through Casa Vida y Esperanza. Enrollment in our program has a symbolic cost but that alone does not cover all of our program needs. Without generous financial support, this project could not continue.

Our program was formed with Christ as its center, therefore our desire is to have Christians teaching our classes.
Please pray that God will raise up Christians to exemplify Christ to our HILOS students and their families.

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